It seems that the PFA is unlikely to agree to the Scimitar blade prop at 1650mm
and possibly even the Straight at 1625 as they are both over the the 1575mm of
the original prop.
However there are at least two mono Europas operating in the uk currently (this
includes Williams plane). I am aware of the rumour that Williams prop was
I spoke to the factory about the possibility of raising the fuselage height by
packing out the rubber suspension block with plywood spacers but they werent
keen. Roger seemed to think that this would overstress the undercarriage
Note- I am not talking about increasing the distance between the block support
plates but merely taking up the space which occurr's when the aircraft is
On our aircraft there is about 1cm of slack when the plane is on the ground.
Packing out the gap would probably increase the distance of the prop from
the ground by several inches.
It would also increase the deck angle but that wouldnt cause a problem IMHO.
So what am I missing here ?
Carl Pattinson
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