Thanks Dave for safety information!
Now I know it is "thin".
It will be quite an interesting moment,
when I next time land with that tire!
I still would like to know to make my conclusions:
1) what is the exact thickness of the original
tire side? Somebody has an uninstalled tire /tyre
- please could he measure it?
2) are there some reinforcement material in the sides also
as Jos suppose? I am talking about Titan Turf Glide tire.
3) why I have some slightly contact with tire and brake calliber?
Is it only my problem? If I change to the size 7.00-6,
that contact is away - am I right?
4) what happens when landing with empty mono main wheel?
Or when it bangs during first touch?
Total catastrophe or what?
If so I hope nobody know!
Have a nice weekend, Raimo
OH-XRT #417, flying w broken main tire...
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Watts" <>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tire question - cannot fly before information
> Raimo,
> I have never actually cut one of the factory supplied tyres open, but after
> a couple of years of operating it I got a puncture (luckily on taxi out). To
> try and find the small point that had caused it I placed my hand inside the
> tyre with the other on the outside.
> I have to say that the rubber material is very, very thin and although I
> re-used the tyre (after repair to the tube) for a few weeks, I straight away
> got in a replacement regualr aircraft tyre (which Europa now supply). This
> has several advantages. Thicker rubber, stiffer wall (less sideways roll)
> and more clearance with the undercarriage frame legs.
> I know this is not the firm measurement that you required, but personally,
> if there was any piont scoring, as you would get with a brake calliper score
> mark, I would definitely not use the tyre. Whilst we used the original tyre,
> we did have some marks made my the undercarriage legs, but that was more
> like a polishing mark than a scored mark, and whilst I wasn't happy with it,
> I did put up with it, whilst monitoring it all the time.
> Dave Watts
> Europa Mono Classic 229 with 1250 hrs.
> I was flying today w my mono and one friend.
> Suddenly we got some bad weather and clouds lowered
> to the 600 feet from the ground. Wind was 13 knots
> and 90 degrees from the right side. I was quite stressed
> when landing and let is say I "forgot" to pull the stick
> fully back. So I did a one wheel landing with that wind.
> There was some quite sharp and fast S-turns while landing
> but I managed to keep it in control and in one piece.
> Now I really know why I have to have legs.
> The Europa rudder must be quite effective!
> I have to say I was not very proud of that landing and
> so I was forced to do it again - just to show to my friend
> it is possible to land straight and beautiful (and it was).
> After 2nd landing we noticed the brake calliber has hit to
> the tire side. I have an original Europa Titan Turf Glide
> 8.00-6 tire. In manual they say use 1,2 bar but I have
> used to use 1,8 bar. Today - because of the cold weather
> and my laziness - there was only 1,0 bar.
> The brake calliber has hitted all the summer to the tire
> and I have noticed earlier those "marks" only
> - no significant wear almost at all. That is why I have
> decided to update real Aircraft tire and to the size 7.00-6.
> Now - today and with all the earlier landings
> - the brake calliber has "eaten" tire side let
> is say 1,0 mm (=0,04").
> Somebody may think it was a "hard" landing but it
> was not: my G-meter w register showed only -0,4/+1,8G.
> Question:
> HOW THICK IS THE SIDE OF the Titan Turf Glide?
> If it is less than 2 mm - I cannot fly before new tire.
> If somebody has a spare Titan tire, please measure the
> side thickness. Thank you. Would like to get some
> answers asap and hope it is more than 3 mm thick!
> Raimo
> ====
> OH-XRT #417, 38 hrs so far, no specified grins but very happy