----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Pattinson" <carl.pattinson@btinternet.com>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 4:23 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Woodcomp scimitar blades (was Emailing: IMG_0410,
> <carl.pattinson@btinternet.com>
> John,
> Having tracked down the VLA specs I had a look at what it had to say about
> prop clearances. Unless I am very much mistaken I dont beleive the tyre
> should be deflated to achieve the 230mm clearance.
> Here is the actual wording
> "(a) Ground clearance. There must be a clearance of at least 180 mm (for
> each aeroplane with nose wheel landing gear) or 230 mm (for each aeroplane
> with tail wheel landing gear) between each propeller and the ground with
> the landing gear statically deflected and in the level, normal take-off,
> or taxying attitude, whichever is most critical. In addition, for each
> aeroplane with conventional landing gear struts using fluid or mechanical
> means for absorbing landing shocks, there must be positive clearance
> between the propeller and the ground in the level take-off attitude with
> the critical tyre completely deflated and the corresponding landing gear
> strut bottomed."
> If my interpretation is right there have to be two checks made. You first
> load the aircraft up to its maximum weight and the clearance has to be in
> excess of 230mm, then you deflate the tyre and there should then be what
> they describe as "positive clearance" .
> Having said this my understanding is that most Classic Europas would fail
> the VLA test even with the 1575 blade fitted (ie: the Warp Drive). However
> the ruling is not retrospective so should not affect existing approved
> installatons.
> Apparently the XS monos are not similarly affected because the XS engine
> mount raises the propeller by about 1.5" (compared to the mono.
> Consequently the 1625mm prop can be approved.
> None of which is any help to me - it seems the Woodcomp is a non starter.
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=137002#137002
> --
> 9/27/2007 5:00 PM