The wording quoted in my email is precisely as per the VLA manual. There is more
on the subject further in the chapter but not relevant to the clearance issue.
None the less I am inclined to agree that this would be the official
though I would be tempted to argue the case with the PFA. IMHO the actual
wording is perfectly clear and logical when you think about it (ie: it allows
for the possibility of a puncture). There seems to be no merit in insisting that
there is at least 230mm with the tyre deflated - what would that achieve?
When I have made some measurements (which I will do tomorrow) I will know if
is any chance of putting forward a valid argument.
One further thought is that when the aircraft about to off (ie: level) the
is supporting very little load as this is taken up by the wings. In
the landing configuration the prop is nowhere near the ground (ie: stick well
back). I wouldn't expect the PFA to buy that argument though.
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