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Re: Europa-List: Woodcomp scimitar blades (was Emailing: IMG_0410, IMG_0

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Woodcomp scimitar blades (was Emailing: IMG_0410, IMG_0411)
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 13:15:11

In a message dated 01/10/2007 10:48:44 GMT Standard Time, writes:

John,  You may be interested in the attached flight test data for William
Mills'  comparison of his Woodcomp SR2000 and a SR3000. Regards, David  Joyce

Thanks David. I had seen these flight test data (I think they  were attached 
to one of William's postings). The figures for the  SR3000/3 look pretty good.

However, as mentioned earlier, the 1650mm  diameter issue caused me to buy an 
Airmaster propeller instead.



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