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Europa-List: Regrets......Torque Tube Clamp Orders.......

Subject: Europa-List: Regrets......Torque Tube Clamp Orders.......
From: Robt.C.Harrison <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 21:12:32
Hi! All 
You may have noticed I've been "out of cyber space" lately ?
Well damn computer crashed big time .took every little morsel of
info with it and out of a certain ignorance of computer terminology... I
thought the term "archive" was what I NOW UNDERSTAND is "back up" !  So
here's the first communication (thanks to Ivor Phillips and a certain
Indian named "Amer" ) from the new set up! (Except until my son returns
---From his Greek holiday I just may rescue my list of contacts info. from
my phone!)

The message starts with an apology !.. I'm sorry to have to use the site
as a sales tool BUT.. would all those who have not placed orders with
hard cash up front (those who have can rest easy I have their details )
and who would like to be in the first order batch ..about to start
production please communicate with me immediately, otherwise be prepared
for a wait until the second batch numbers are sufficient.


Bob Harrison G-PTAG 

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