Arrrgggghhhh!! Sorry about not replying your e-mail. Life has been imposing
hard the last couple weeks. Notice, there has been no work posted on my
build site recently.
The generator on my Europa was purchased from Bob and Russell at Flight
Crafters. http://www.flightcrafters.com/
The generator mounts on on the back of the gearbox. There is a gear on the
generator that connects with an accessory gear on the back of the prop drive
gear. Go to my build web site http://www.europaowners.org/ and thence on to
the Lockwood School album. In the Lockwood School album, go to the 2nd page.
Down almost half way, there are pics of the gearbox being removed. On pic
DSCN5164 you can see the gear that the generator engages. On my main page,
there is a small album of the generator showing all the bits received and the
gear on the front. There is also more information on where the alternator was
obtained. From my recollection, the gear on the generator has 12 teeth. The
accessory gear has around 28 teeth. That runs the alternator at 2.3 X the prop
speed. So the alternator should run around the same speed as the engine. I
believe that the alternator is rated at 60 amps, but have been warned not to
plan on more than 40 amps. Once things are running, I'll post the actual
I hope this helps.
GOod building and great flying,
Bob Borger.
Plexi to be installed and some final body fill/smooth work to do before the
goes to the airport where I have room to do the wings-on work.
On Wednesday, October 17, 2007, at 12:16PM, "darinh" <gerns25@netscape.net>
>I have looked into the Fuel-injected 914's done by
and they look to be very well engineered (they are engines out of the predators)
but I don't really want to be the test bed. However, it is nearly impossible
to get a new 914 within a reasonable amount of time (most guys won't even
quote a lead time and others say at least 6 months).
>Somebody has got to have one they want to get rid of...?
>I sent you an email requesting information on your alternator setup on your
---From the images I saw, it looks like you found a gear or spline driven
alternator that mounts to the back of the gearbox. Can you provide me with a
link or contact information of the person or company I could get one of these
from? It would be greatly appreciated.
>Darin Hawkes
>Series 7 (under Construction)
>914 Turbo
>Ogden, Utah
>Read this topic online here: