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Europa-List: Re: Europa Transition Training

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa Transition Training
From: Venu Rao <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 21:23:10

All - 

Really appreciate the feedback and interest on this issue. 
Based on this initial input, it appears that we may have 
identified 3 or 4 Europa Mono pilots (current/future) who 
will be willing to step up to assist newbies in some 
kind of transition training.

I'll be glad to put a short list together, after we've confirmed
with the pilots, but where should we post it for all to see. 
One possibility is to add it as a column in the memberlist, 
but I suspect that may be too cumbersome...any suggestions? 
Is there a "resource" section in the Europa forum...
I may have missed it.

Could someone touch base with the Europa team to involve them
in this perhaps?


Venu Rao
058 - Europa XS Monowheel
Builder: Jim Nelson
150 hrs

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