Hi All,
I know this has been asked before but I never really got the details that I
need. I am grateful for the replies when we last discussed it however. I
don't want to start a big debate and beat the dead horse again but I need
relief. The questions revolve around changing the stranded or braided inner
thottle cables to solid ones to prevent possible kinking. Can the folks that
have already done this tell me the following? I am mostly interested in the
diameter of the solid wire that others have used successfully. Wicks has
.055" that should work with the factory outter housings,which is the
preferred in my opinion. Or, they also have .075" wire with thier 3/32" ID
housing. Which size is the best for routing without binding?
Troy Maynor
N120EU Europa Monowheel Classic
Left to finish:
Paint,(some) interior,engine install, (some) wiring.
Weaverville, NC USA