Hi All,
Graham:Yes, i have been dreaming about landing on the lake for years. The runway
actually is only 8 km long, and 4 km wide. It's not difficult to select into
At the same time i should mention that it is not all roses either :-)
There are large objects like islands, smaller like fishing net markers, power
and not to forget, rotors and wind shear between the hills. Outside the
airport the pilot is really on his own.
Bob, Skies on the tri-gear should not be too difficult. Close to impossible on
the mono, like any other retractable. No clamp, no play (so far)
Airbear, I pick up heat behind the water radiator, in the place where normally
the oil cooler would be. It' s under dimensioned now, and will be improved
the winter. My workshop is insulated and heated, no problems with -40 C outside,
other then extremely low humidity, which has caused problems.
Graham, off topic, it's just a heat pump, like you all have in fridges and
Very efficient, 75% of the heating energy is taken from the lake.
Thanks for all the nice reactions you all!
Jos Okhuijsen
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