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Re: Europa-List: Paul McAllister's website

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Paul McAllister's website
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 18:13:54

Just so you know I've enjoyed your site in the past and now that Gold  
Rush has 100 hours and is flying I'm going to make some changes in her  
this winter. Heater, vent changes and more... Having your site as a  
reference has always been great and I'm sure I'll use it again.    
Thanks for all the help in the past and hope to see it back again. I  
vote bring it back!!
Best Regards,

Jeff R.
A258 - N128LJ / Gold Rush 95 hours and climbing slowly.
On Dec 19, 2007, at 12:32 PM, Europa (Alfred Buess) wrote:

> <>
>  Hello everyone on the forum
> Some of you may have recognized that Paul McAllister's website
> ( isn't accessible any more. The hosting
> service shut it down for unknown reasons. Paul will consider looking  
> for a
> new hosting service, if there is enough interest in resurrecting the  
> site.
> Thanks in advance, Paul! Those who know Paul's website will certainly  
> agree,
> that it contains a wealth of useful information for us builders. I am
> certainly not the only one who would be very happy to see Paul's  
> website
> alive again. Shortly: Everyone who supports the resurrection of Paul's
> website is ecouraged to let him know it, either via forum or directly
> (
> Alfred
> Alfred Buess, Switzerland
> Europa XS #097, Monowheel, Foam shortwing, Rotax 912S, Airmaster 332 CS

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