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Re: Europa-List: Trim System for Ailerons, Comments please

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trim System for Ailerons, Comments please
From: Rick Stockton <>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 08:52:24

  Nice job Craig.  It to cold here in California to do any lay-ups so I am 

  The only problem is he didn't publish any measurements other than the lenght
of the 2x4's.  I built it yesterday, but it was not right.  So last night I took
a piece of paper and figured out the measurements.  I figured out that the
base needs to be 18 inches and that the side 2x4 needs to be at 18 inches also.
That will give me the right angle. So I can move the canoe to any position
I need during the build.  Flat, 45 degrees or 90 degrees.  
  I'll look into doing the fuel tank spacer today or tomorrow.  Then the servo.
I need to figure out where I put it.  I took it out of the aileron and put it
back it it's box, but where I put the box is the question.  
  I like your arrangement, but I still think that attaching it to the push-pull
rod might work.  I'll try it and see.  I'll use regular UNI and do a ten ply
layup.  I'll us a four inch circle.  I foud on ole Planters can that I'll tape
up with duck tape and wax it then do the layup on it.  I'll cut a hole in a 
so the can is flat.  I'll let you know my outcome.  where is OZ are you?
About ten years ago I picked up a tuna boat north of Auckland.  I had fifteen
days there.  I traveled all over the north island.  I had a great time.  I 
the flying club and flew from the ninety mile beach to the south shore. 
I tried to fly over the channel but the government would not allow me to go 
of the single engine and WX.  When I win the Lotto I'll come back.

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