David, Could you not extract them with one of those pairs of long nosed
pliers that have teeth on the end? I don't own such an animal but have seen
them in tool shops. A preliminary administration of WD40 might help too but
no doubt you have already thought of that! Regards & Happy New Year David
Joyce, G-XSDJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "David.Corbett" <david.corbett5@btinternet.com>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Mod 74 - after-effect; and Wm Mills DOTH
> Help, please!
> I incorporated Mod 74 in August '07 and, as part of the process, I
> the two pip pins because one of the originals was damaged at the top. The
> new pip pins, supplied by EA 04 Ltd, are a different part number,
> These pins appeared to be a much better designed and engineered type, but
> are different in one vital respect; the old pins had a thin key ring right
> through the head of the centre part of the pin, such that when extracting
> the pip pins, upward lift on the thin key rings released the balls at the
> bottom.
> The new pins are different in that the "ring" by which they are extracted
> "D" shaped, with the two ends fitted into the collar at the top of the
> part of the pin. The "D" shaped part ring is a very soft material, and the
> holes into which they are fitted are very shallow.
> Now I need to remove my wings. When I did Mod 74, both new pip pins went
> fairly easily; the port one needed more hand pressure - with a drift -
> the starboard one, which was easy to push in.
> Today I used my favourite "extraction" tool - a button hook on the end of
> metal shoehorn - to try to get the pins out. The starboard pin came up
> way easily, then came up against a solid stop; pushing the blue centre
> of the pin down whilst pulling the ring had no effect - and in fact the
> then pulled completely away from the collar. Trying the port side was
> useless - the pin would not move at all, and I did not want to apply too
> much pressure, otherwise I would have pulled its ring off as well.
> the starboard ring in situ, and closing it up tight, is going to be very
> difficult.
> What do I do now?
> The simplest answer would be to push the pins up from below, whilst
> the ring from the top in the normal way; however, although I had a hole
> that purpose originally (before the wing "cuffs" were bonded on), I have
> hole now, and have no accurate idea where to drill the holes.
> Does anyone - in UK initially - have holes for this purpose in the lower
> part of the wing, and if so could you let me have a template of where to
> drill the holes?
> How would anyone else solve this problem? Has anyone fitted these new type
> pip pins, and then tried to pull them out after a long period?
> Not a good way to end 2007!
> May we all have lots of excellent flying in 2008!
> Incidentally, whilst writing, Bryan Alsop and I are proposing to organise
> DOTH (ie a fly-in) in memory of William Mills and Paul Sweeting, here at
> Shobdon, in spring 2008. We will soon be asking Europhiles to indicate
> interest in attending, but first Bryan and I need to agree a date with
> Shobdon; watch this space!
> Happy New Year to you all!
> David