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Europa-List: Ethanol in fuel

Subject: Europa-List: Ethanol in fuel
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 08:16:33
In a message dated 1/1/2008 2:59:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

If  you are unlucky like us in the green state of
Florida many of our stations  are adding 10% ethanol to all blends, they are
supposed to post it on the  pumps so be careful.

Greetings Bud and all,

I have 2, 550 gallon underground fuel tanks at my strip and I usually  run a 
50/50 blend of Amoco 93 and 100LL. This helps reduce lead  fouling and reduces

the cost per gallon somewhat. I recently (late  November) spoke with a 
representative of Amoco at the local fuel  terminal because I was wanting to 

where they were with blending  in their winter additives. I was thinking of 
buying some fuel, hopefully  before the winter stuff is put in, but I was a 

too late this year. They  were already at stage II of IV. I'll have to wait 
until mid April now  to get fuel without the winter crap added, but I intend to

tank up when they are  back to normal 93.

The Amoco rep told me that here in Tennessee, we have about another year  
before ethanol is mandatory for all auto fuels statewide. He said that ethanol

up to 10% can be added with no warning on the pump. Anything at or above 10%  
ethanol is required by law to be posted on the pump.

FWIW, the EAA sells a nifty little ethanol tester for about $15. Simple,  
cheap and effective. 

I would encourage everyone on this side of the pond to join the AOPA if you  
aren't already a member. The AOPA is on the front lines of this (and many 
other  issues like user fees) and is working on our behalf to come to some  sort

of remedy regarding ethanol for those of us who run mogas in airplanes.  The 
AOPA is our voice in Congress. Our Congresscritters have swallowed  this ethanol

boondoggle hook, line and sinker and unless we make a lot  of noise about it, 
we're going to have to swallow hard, too.

Happy New Year!


John Lawton
Whitwell, TN (TN89)
N245E - Flying - 149.5 hours and lovin' every minute of it!


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