> --> <europa@pstewart.f2s.com>
> Anyone answer me this one. Having spent ages soldering co-ax onto
> the copper tape supplied by the factory, I've just broked the
> tape in
> half! Would a piece of copper wire be of similar efficacy as t he
> copper tape - it would certainly be easier to solder to. I'm
> guessing its the length of the dipole that's important rather that
> width or section - true or false.
The length is the main factor determining the operating frequency of the
antenna, while the width of the conductors determines the range of
frequencies over which the antenna works. Since the aviation band is rather
wide (as a percentage of the frequency), it is desirable to use wider
conductors. It is no problem to repair a break in the copper tape with a
piece of wire soldered across the break, however. It is definitely
mandatory to fix the coax securely to the airframe prior to soldering to the
copper tape, so any movement of the coax will not transmit stress to the
solder joints and the fragile copper tape.
Dave DeFord