Yes. That's how it stands currently. The words have subtly changed over the
years but the rule no is:
No IMC rating: Then remain in sight of the ground at all
Remember that to exercise the privileges of the rating you must be in a
suitably equipped and approved aircraft. Have the appropriate kit in my
Europa and the IMC rating, however as the aircraft is on a LAA Permit it
disqualifies itself as a suitably equipped and licenced aircraft.
In my view the UK IMC rating is a beautiful qualification that should
remain. Some of the latest news from the current debates is now more
encouraging in that the European authorities will allow the UK IMC rating to
remain for another 4 years, at least, (Meantime we persuade our European
brothers to move in our direction).
Please sign the petition to keep the IMC rating. One day skills gained by
training for the qualification by just make the difference between a happy
flight and an unhappy one
Bob Hitchcock
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: IMC rating
> Question I have is this:
> VFR flight does not require in sight of surface.
> The vanilla UK PPL restricts pilots to 'Insight of Surface' in other words
> you cannot climb in VMC through a hole on top of cloud, remain above cloud
> out of sight of the surface and then come down through a hole in the cloud
> remaining VMC.
> The IMC rating removes this restriction from the UK PPL Licence.
> Therefore with no IMC a UK PPL is restricted at all time to insight of
> surface - correct?
> AlanB
> #303
> Steve Pitt wrote:
>> <>
>> A question please to the UK members. What role does the IMC rating play
>> in your flying of your Europa? How many members/flyers have the rating
>> and use it with their Europa? If you want to contact me off list I am
>> happy to receive the feedback.
>> Reason for asking - I had an IMC several years ago and let it lapse. I am
>> led to belive that I could use it again with my Europa but before setting
>> out on retraining I thought I would garner practical experience.
>> Thank you
>> Steve Pitt