You may well find that that your TP12 assemblies are slightly distorted due
to the welds. We had this problem which didnt really manifest itself until
the lid was on after which it was too late.
Certainly using a light oil is better than using grease and seems to provide
better lubrication especially with the tufnol bearings (eg: the roll tubes
under the seats).
We drilled 1/4" in holes in the upper sides of most bearings (including the
tailplane tubes) and drizzle 3 in 1 oil through these on a regular basis.
Whilst a friction free system is desirable to set the counter balance
weights it is probably better to have some stiffness in the pitch control as
this will provide a degree of damping in flight.
Carl Pattinson
----- Original Message -----
From: "JonSmith" <>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 11:18 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Torque tube lubrication
> <>
> Hi, I'd like to ask for advice on suitable products for lubricating the
> tailplane torque tube where it goes through the fuselage bushes, both on
> initial fitting and subsequent servicing?
> Mine had got quite stiff - elevator control felt fine but checking mass
> balancing was rather imprecise due to friction. I'm about to reinstall it
> following removal for the mod 62 oversize pins and Bob harrisons
> (excellent) clamp mod. During a trial fit I gave the bushes a light
> oiling with some 3 in 1 type oil and it was enormously improved; virtually
> friction free.
> Is a smear of this sort of light oil, and periodic re-application
> considered suitable or are there better ideas? I think mine had been
> greased previously (didn't build it myself) but the grease seems to have
> gummed it up over time. I know some people have built in lubricating
> tubes but I do not have this.
> Thanks, Jon
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