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Europa-List: Mono-wheel gear retraction

Subject: Europa-List: Mono-wheel gear retraction
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 20:46:28
After being installed for seven years and about 400 flight hours, I am unab
le to fully retract my landing gear after take-off.

Retraction commences easily enough but resistance rapidly builds and near t
he end of the stroke resistance builds to a point where I end up with max e
ffort about three mm short of the uplock shoulder.  This difficulty has bee
n growing over a period of time--but in the past overcome by pushing harder
.  Gear extension is easy with no problems.

Is this simply a bungee problem?  Have others experienced a bungee age prob
lem where the bungee had to be replaced?  If so, how does one attack the re
placement procedule?  Would a slightly thicker bungee be better?  Looks lik
e the job will be quite involved.

Or, if the bungee should still be good, could there be some mechanical or m
isalignment problem?

Bob Lindsay A077
Gillespie Field (KSEE)

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