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RE: Europa-List: GPS antennae siting

Subject: RE: Europa-List: GPS antennae siting
From: Ivor Phillips <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 09:01:18

You are correct about locating the aerials above your head for best
reception;  IMHO two people would block most of the signals from the
rear if the aerial is sited in the instrument panel,

As far as the Garmin 295 and the skymaps are concerned the 295 can lock
onto 12 satellites and the skymaps only eight, that was Until two years
ago when Honeywell improved there receiver, they now also can use 12,

. Everyone I have flown
with on the  trips I have done in Italy have lost GPS signal at some
but I never did. I had tended to put this down to superior performance
of my
Garmin 295 as opposed to most people's Skymaps, but it may be because I
my aerial above head level


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