VOM = Volt Ohm Meter. It is the new in speak at my electronics shop
for the Digital Volt Ohm Meters that have Hi Amps DC/AC, ohms, volts and
accessories like temperature, etc. Some people just like to show off.
It does not vibrate but has a beeper to test for shorted circuits. Sexy
to those who spend too much time on technical stuff maybe. Oh my, I
think I'm getting excited.
On the doors, go slow and take your time. I put too much heat on one
set and the exterior face expanded to the point where it started to
deform inward on the rear outer section as it was expanding faster than
lower section. I have used denatured alcohol to cool the door quickly
to get it to set, but letting it cool slowly with the forced deflection
allows it longer to take a set.
----- Original Message -----
From: Fred Klein<>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: The trials of fitting
On Monday, Mar 17, 2008, at 15:45 US/Pacific, ALAN YERLY wrote:
As long as the glass is not in, use a heat gun to evenly heat the
door frame on the offending edge until too hot to touch but not so hot
as to see deformations. I have a temp gauge on my VOM which helps me
get the temp at about 120-150 F. Spring the door 30% beyond the amount
and allow to cool. Repeat as necessary.
Thank you very much Bud...sounds pretty straightforward...I'll have a
I am wondering, however, just what is a "VOM"?...hope it's not some
kind of sex toy...:-)