Your lousey photos are non figuratif artefacts and it doesn't matter if we
don't understand what you mean.
Best regards,
Karel Vranken.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert C Harrison" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 1:00 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Wing dolley - where to put the pivot point
> <>
> Hi! Again Alan
> I missed your question but have picked up your thread from the System
> notification.
> The tufnel slide has a step in it to keep the spa aligned but also it is
> a little rounded.
> My best aid is the ramps I welded on the starboard socket since provided
> the port tip is directed aft wards (therefore keeping the spa tight to
> the starboard seat back) the port spa has to engage the socket since the
> ramps automatically guide the spa tip home to the socket.
> I think the pictures are still on John Cliffs web page
> ....under G-PTAG "Rigging aids" But they are
> lousey photos!
> Regards
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert C Harrison []
> Sent: 24 March 2008 15:14
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: Wing dolley - where to put the pivot point
> Hi! Alan
> I mused about this problem when I built my wing dolly and also since
> having used it often. However when I rig with a helper, who initially
> handles the tip, when I take over the tip end from him having engaged
> the spar, I lift the tip trailing edge with one hand until he is out of
> the way, so my thoughts are that the tip end C of G is in fact behind
> the trailing edge (in fresh air!) when the root end of the wing is
> supported by the spar.
> In other words you can not make the dolly to fit the C of G. I plumped
> for approx. mid chord for the pivot.
> Regards
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of milnera
> Sent: 24 March 2008 12:41
> To:
> Subject: Europa-List: Wing dolley - where to put the pivot point
> <>
> I had hoped for an Easter weekend in Cornwall, but with snow, rain,
> gales and generally miserable weather I thought I'd make up some wing
> dolleys to aid self rigging.
> I've pretty much copied the design used by many; essentially two layups
> clamped around the tip, hinged on the underside and supported by a two
> wheeled metal frame the pivots to allow the wing to move from vertical
> to horizontal. The layups are curing now in this tropical heat so they
> should be ready by next Easter :)
> Anyone who has been using a similar design, can you suggest where to put
> the pivot point for a trigear wing? I planned to balance it so it's
> slightly leading-edge heavy. It would then fall to the vertical for
> storage and when wheeling it around.
> Any comments from experience most welcome. I haven't built the frame
> yet.
> Alan
> Visit -
> --
> Checked by AVG.
> 23/03/2008 18:50