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RE: Europa-List: AZ Europa Owners

Subject: RE: Europa-List: AZ Europa Owners
From: Steve Hagar <>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 19:04:10
Mine is basically complete I have about 25 hours on it but it has been cut open
to get the gas tank out because it had developed a crack.  I am just 
while I am developing an aluminum tank for it.  Have your buddy E mail
me at

Steve Hagar
Mesa, AZ

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: 4/2/2008 4:01:04 PM 
Subject: Europa-List: AZ Europa Owners

I have a friend in Phoenix that would like to see a completed Europa.  I know 
are a couple there.  Can you e-mail me details?

Thanks -
Jim Puglise A-283, Punta Gorda, FL

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