Ferg and all,
Because i am still very young at almost 65 and only have 295 h, and managed to
finish the build in 3 years( rush job jep), i do not really qualify for the
experience group. However, there have been many days that i have been afraid
that the build time might stretch out according to the pattern described.
Therefore i have asked for and received help. Amongst others, locals, Graham
has been working with me, and although it was only a week, it probably brought
me a year forwards.
Would it be possible for the slow builders to ask for help? After all, it's a
not a "own" design. The original builder would be still "the" builder even
if he only supervises part of the build. If help would be acceptable, i know
that there are lots of folks ready to get involved in something as interesting
as building an airplane, for free. We were willing to pay quite a sum of money
for that pleasure. I know it's quite a move to accept the idea that the kid
---From around the corner is touching your delicate airplane parts, but i am
convinced that your superiority and
authority will keep things in check. Once in a while it might be a good idea to
get another builder to assist. The result will be that things get moving, and
increase your own effectivness as well. And honestly, it's worth to finish and
fly it. It's a wonderful bird to build, it's even better to fly it.
Should we (or the club) start to collect a list of persons willing to assist,
like the the list of available test pilots?
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