thanks for the kind words but imho Ted's fillets are better, he has
small radius at the LE increasing as the fillet extends aft. Since the
boundary layer also gets thicker as it moves aft there seems to be a
certain logic in that. Look sexier too.
Fergus Kyle wrote:
> Having discovered what Mitchell prescribed for the Spitfire
> (which cant be all that bad, I decided half-bad was better than sharp
> corners, so went half way. The method was to fit foam forms to the
> flap area and carve a suitable shape which would slide the fillets under
> the GraSing ones at the trailing edge. PLUS I thought the fillet, when
> flaps extended, might serve partially as a fence to prevent unnecessary
> air being dumped off the flap. Maybe not.
> I have uploaded 4 photos of my project. showing the installation
> of fairings/fillets.
> Go to the EuropaOwners gallery and I'm about fifth album down
> The series shows (I hope) fourth, a mod to one flap inboard end.
> The fillet slides under the trailing edge end of the main fillet,
> visible in the first three shots. I began with Graham Singletons
> excellent fillet set, and embellished by extending the function to the
> flaps.
> Further explanation, on demand.
> Cheers, Ferg
> *
> *
Graham Singleton
Tel: +441629820187
Mob: +447739582005