I think some people make a mountain out of a molehill again. I can smell ex
haust fumes with full flaps on final. So what ? My CO meter registers 0 at
all times, and in any case, it only lasts a few seconds.
From: VE3LVO@rac.caTo: europa-list@matronics.comSubject: Europa-List: Exhau
st smells in the cockpitDate: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 13:52:38 -0400
There was a flurry of discussion when the fillets took interest, wh
ich mentioned ingestion of exhaust through the flap slots due to various co
nfigurations of flap (and earlier talk of CO through the wheel slot, etc.)
' and it may be so. The reason could be that the cockpit area is of too l
ow a pressure to prevent ingestion.
Remembering the DC9=92s system, it was then clear to me that a pres
surized cabin prevented such antics ' and so have tried to arrange that t
he cockpit be =91over-fed=92 with outside air and both temp and flow be con
trolled by the exit. It then would seem wise to organise larger than normal
hot AND cold influx, adjust the ratio of each for comfort and control the
total flow by outlet valve. Whether I achieve this is another thing.
Happy landings