I am here regretfully to state that I will be unable to use my VISA
card to renew membership in the Europa Club - and thus achieve quick and
painless extention to my membership. The reason is a new request of me to
utilize something called a "Verify by VISA" so-called service.
This service claims to provide additional security by my providing
personal information above and beyond that required to get the card (which I
have had since its first day in operation). In the Conditions prescribed in
the small print is the terribly necessary agreement to permit "various
messages of information" from 'third parties', the like of which I already
suffer from previous scams - and I am no longer willing to suffer these -
nor do I see how these improve any security for either myself nor the
So it seems the only method open in spite of all the precautions I
(and a myriad of large institutions) have taken, is to revert to HM the post
office, which (a) will delay my subscription and thus the use of the funds,
(b) will add to the expense (only slightly) and (c) thwart the demands of
some upwardly-enthusiastic second-class minor executive. If he/she were to
fully explain who these mysterious third parties were and honestly reveal
the personal details to which they deserved knowledge, I might be tempted to
So, sorry, my delayed renewal (because of the late Flyer) comes
across by paqueboat perhaps, but not at the speed of light. If I'm 'way off
base, let me know how.
Cheers, Ferg