Bonjour Brian,=0AYou are right.=0AFrom France to Spain you need a flight pl
an but it is not necessary to take off and land from an airfield with custo
m service. =0AJean Philippe Neel=0AF-PSLH N=C2=B0 273=0AGrenoble France=0A
=0A=0A----- Message d'origine ----=0ADe : Brian and Pat Tarmar <freefolk@sc>=0A=C3 : le : Jeudi,
17 Avril 2008, 13h17mn 36s=0AObjet : Europa-List: Schengen Cross Border Fl
ights=0A=0A=0ADoes anyone know if we can fly from a non-customs airfield in
one Schengen country to another without problems? I am planning to fly fr
om Southern France to Spain this summer and cannot obtain this information
---From either AIP.=0A =0ABrian Tarmar=0AG-OBJT Classic Trigear 912s with XS f
irewall forward and Woodcomp Varia Prop=0A=0A=0AI choose Polesoft Lockspam
====0A=0A__________________________________________________=0ADo You
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