2 years ago I flew my Europa from Odense, Denmark to St. Ghislain, Belgium,
to test-fly another
Europa for an English buyer living in Sweden.
Years ago I received confirmations from the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, T
he Chech Republic,
Norway and Sweden , Switzerland and France, that home-builts with a nationa
l Certificate of Airworthiness
are welcome to the airspace of said countries without further ado.
For some reason I plum forgot to ask the Belgians, and I never thought of a
sking the Belgian authorities
of a special permission, let alone imagined a special fee to desecrate Belg
ian soil when, in blissful ignorance,
I ventured there.
And lo and behold: never heard a word of reproach, neither received a bill
for my apparent misdemeanour.
You can draw your own conclusions from that.
Niels Kock
By the way: did you know that ODA is up for sale=3F
-and not for any fault of her own.
Interested parties may email me, of course.
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