Craig, I am probably the 'non convict' you refer to (only in the sense of
not actually having been caught yet!) who is actively pursuing the plan to
fly to Oz. The plan was to come next year to mark the 75th anniversary of
the 1934 Mc Robertson, Great London to Melbourne Air Race. There are two of
us who have shown a degree of commitment to the idea with a few others who
have thought about it but not committed. We have done a major amount of
planning and preparation, but the scheme is at the moment a bit fluid owing
to an illness in my family that threatens to delay my participation. When we
are clearer about it we will let you know.
Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "raggi6771" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 8:03 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Flight To Australia
> Just wondering if all you "non convicts" from the UK and EU are still
planning on coming "down under" this year, or was it next year
> good building
> Craig
> Visit -