Flying farmer
You may be in luck. We're just about to move G-GIDY off its cradle
and into a trailer and will be looking to move the cradle on to a
deserving home. It's served us well for several years of our
protracted build. It has castoring / locking wheels and leveling
feet. Aircraft move likely to be in the next couple of weeks. If
you're interested drop me an email off list and I can give you more
details - pics etc if you wish.
On 22 Apr 2008, at 09:55, Flying Farmer wrote:
> <>
> UK List,
> Has any one got a Fuselage Cradle that is cluttering up there
> workshop and no longer needed. I'm not against making a new one,
> but just trying ta save a few hours. I,m in Halifax, West Yorkshire.
> Thanks In Advance
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