Hi Paul,
I converted my Mono to a Trigear last year and fitted the Matco master
cylinders using the factory kit. The moulding I think you are referring to
is actually two mouldings. One creates a horizontal platform to mount the
master cylinders and the other is a bolt on cover to replace the large area
of tunnel that you have to remove. Having a nice (but heavy) leather
interior I could not bring myself to cut such a large chunk out of the
tunnel and fit an ugly bolted cover in its place. I built a simple platform
out of plywood & fibre glass that could be removed from the wheel well and
simply cut a second slot in the tunnel for the second brake lever. (all
approved by the UK LAA). There is a picture of the removable platform that I
built on page 10 of the latest Europa Flyer. I can send you more detail if
you need it. Having done all this work I discovered Nev Eyre had a much
simpler approach- just fit a second mono brake master cylinder alongside the
existing one.
Brian Davies kit 454
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Paul McAllister
Sent: 24 April 2008 03:07
Subject: Europa-List: Conventional tail dragger conversion - Help Needed
--> <paul.the.aviator@gmail.com>
Hi All,
Some of you may recall from my previous postings that I intend to convert my
mono to a tail dragger. I got the conversion kit from Bob Berbue about a
month ago and I have decided that I will fly this summer and then over
winter I will do the conversion.
I am slowly organizing all the bits I need and I was wondering if some
generous soul would be prepared to lend me the moulding that fits on the
tunnel for the finger brakes, and the aluminum hardware that is used for
mounting up the Matco master cylinders. I'd like make a splash copy of the
moulding and return it as soon as I am finished.
If anyone in the US can help me I'd appreciate it. Obviously I would cover
any out of pocket expenses. Please contact me off forum if you can help.
Thanks and regards, Paul
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