Sorry, can't resist, have to take this one on.
There seems to be some guarantee that conventional and tri-gear landings will
be soft and happy. But i can't find any statistics that point in that direction.
As a matter of fact, the numbers add up quite differently. And also so
far, i have seen more bent trigear legs then tail wheel damage.
My instructors remark about ground looping was made while during circuits in a
super cup, and it went like: "There are tail wheel pilots that have ground
and there are tail wheel pilots that will do it" He had never seen a mono.
Now, after some 300 landings in my mono, i am pretty sure that someday i will
make the have done class. And i will stay in that "done that be there" class,
and blame my own lack lack of proficiency, and not the aircraft. Let alone
i change it to something else.
So far the worst landing were when i got confident in nice weather, and the most
feared +15 knots crosswind and gusting went off like a dream.
Makes sense, at least to me.
But let there be more airplanes then opinions, and everybody will be happy.
Jos Okhuijsen
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