Mod 74 deals with the wing pin. It only applies to Classic (foam inside)
winds as the XS wings are factory built.
Mod 73 dealts with the tailplanes
Dave Watts
Now I asked the question because I thought the initial failure
mechanism in this accident was the disengagement of the tailplane drive
pins. That is why I thought Mods 73 and 74 were instituted. But with the
realization that a wing's rear drag/lift pin failed first, my concern is
with the original problem. I don't see any mods dealing with the
drag/lift pin? If the original failure placed severe stresses on the
tailplane, and that caused it's failure, then I don't want to get into a
mode of finding the weakest link in our aircraft, beefing it up, then go
on to the next weakest link, etc. Next thing you know, you won't be able
to find an engine with enough power to lift that "tank" off the ground.
Mike Duane A207A