Through my friendship with various builder assistance people,
I have heard many tales of builders going wrong, in many
imaginative ways. How about 5 min epoxy instead of redux for
some structural joints, how about bid instead of uni and vice versus.
As I said, there are many places including inside layups, even for
drag pin sockets that are not inspectable by routine methods.
At my home base there is a gent who built a beautiful copy of an
ME109. He expected it would be airworthy. He built it with Home-Depot
bolts and Douglas Fir wood. On taxi, it crushed the landing gear. OK, the
PFA might have caught that one during build.
There are builders who will confound any conscientious inspector at a
years on condition inspection especially if they do not scrap off the filler
and paint.
Ira N224XS
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