For those of you that have set up to run negative flap for cruise flight i
have a couple of questions
firstly did you allow for this in the initial set up of your flaps on the
wings, or was this just done
by moving the actuator slightly and taking up the small gap you are supposed
to leave during the build.
secondly how much does this close the original gap up at say minus 2
degrees, and how much difference
did it make to cruise performance.
Why i ask is I was wondering if the extra performance being seen is just
simply the effect of sealing
the gap behind the flaps when they hit the back of the wing at say minus 2,
which some of you good
people are experimenting with now, and do i bother investing the time in
trying to find good way to seal
the flaps when I will get the same result with negative flap
Checked by AVG.
4:45 PM