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Re: Europa-List: RE: Europa-List914 Overheating/boiling

Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE: Europa-List914 Overheating/boiling
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 21:02:25


"Even with short warm up and taxi it will boil slightly as you clime out"

"Has anyone got any ideas that might help"

Will the system hold 1.2 bar pressure? If pressure drops boiling temp will
go down. I had a pressure cap on my 1992 Volvo turbo Station Wagon get a
very small hairline crack perhaps a year ago and what you describe is bout
what happened to me. 

Pretty easy to check are radiator fins restricting? Has any hose or
fitting changed to cause a restriction?

Harder to check, is radiator internal restricting? Is water pump working

Good Luck
Ron Parigoris

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