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Re: Europa-List: stall warning problem

Subject: Re: Europa-List: stall warning problem
From: Rowland Carson <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:50:09

>I've got a stall warning system installed in my europa "N108EA" and 
>I cannot get it adjusted

Scott & Corky - did you get the correct template for your wing with 
your Mod 61 kit? The positon of the stall warner hole (and thus the 
shape of the template for locating it) differ depending on the 

I'm not sure if Classic (foam wing) and XS are different, but I think 
that installation at build is different from installation after wing 

I am building a XS wing, and had ordered the stall-warner kit for 
incorporation before wing close. The template that came with it was 
marked BL52.5 and clearly wouldn't fit properly unless positioned 
much further inboard. It should have been BL102. Roger at the factory 
agreed that the wrong template was then being supplied in the XS 
pre-close kits and sent me the correct one.

I imagine that if the hole in the LE is not correctly positioned it 
could make it impossible to get the sounder adjusted. If it is not 
close enough to the stagnation point then the pressure will not 
change in the expected way.

Of course, I'm just theorising as I haven't yet build a fuselage to 
hang my wing on ...

Another question that occurs is - is the stall-warner tube completely 
free of leaks and obstructions all the way to the sensor? Disconnect 
the sensor and check that you can blow through it - and that if your 
lovely assistant blocks the far end that you can feel the resistance 
to your blowing.


| Wilma & Rowland Carson
| <>          ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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