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Re: Europa-List: Wing sling belting

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Wing sling belting
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 17:25:35

I have gone a little differrent route.  I placed the wings vertically (TE down)
and covered about 10 inches of the LE and down about 24 inches with plastic.
I then took 4 plies of uni about 8 inches X 48 inches and laid them over the
LE to use it like a mold.  I added plastic on the outside of it and taped it to
assure that the UNI held fast to the shape of the wing.  After cure, I cut it
into two pieces 4 X 48 and used them to outline the shape of the wing on 
I made up two pieces from plywood and glued the UNI forms into them.  I
line the UNI with bubble wrap to transport the wings and it seems to work very
well.  For those who are having trouble with rubber getting onto your wings,
the bubble wrap may ge a good solution.  It is very inexpensive and can be used
several times.

Jim Puglise A-283

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Fergus Kyle" <> 

> To jeff Roberts, Jeff -Baby blue, Kim, Raimo and Bob, 
> Thanks for having taken the time to save my wings. I'm going out to 
> find the carpeting that fits the bill today. Think I'll slide a plate of 
> polyethylene next the wings, and force the clamps out a bit. Also, I found 
> Raimo's solution to be ideal - rub out black rubber with a rubber 
> eraser....... Once again, the net pays great dividends! 
> Cheers, Ferg 
<DIV>I have gone a little differrent route.&nbsp; I placed the wings vertically
(TE down) and covered about 10 inches of the LE and down about 24 inches with
plastic.&nbsp; I then took 4 plies of uni about 8 inches X 48 inches and laid
them over the LE to use it like a mold.&nbsp; I added plastic on the outside
of it and taped it to assure that the UNI held fast to the shape of the 
After cure, I cut it into two pieces 4 X 48 and used them to outline the
shape of the wing on plywood.&nbsp; I made up two pieces from plywood and glued
the UNI forms into them.&nbsp; I line the UNI with bubble wrap to transport
the wings and it seems to work very well.&nbsp; For those who are having trouble
with rubber getting onto your wings, the bubble wrap may ge a good 
It is very inexpensive and can be used several times.</DIV>
<DIV>Jim Puglise A-283</DIV>
 s List

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