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RE: Europa-List: Coolant overheating

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Coolant overheating
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 22:54:32


I certainly have=2C plus all the other gaps near the air intake. I sealed o
ff the gills and opened up the area at the
bottom aft of the radiators for main exit.


From: europa-list@matronics.comSubject: RE: Europ
a-List: Coolant overheatingDate: Sat=2C 26 Jul 2008 22:13:02 +0100

Hi! Karl
Have you blocked the gap between cowl and underside of oil cooler?
Bob H 

-----Original Message-----From: [mai] On Behalf Of Karl HeindlSent: 2
6 July 2008 13:30To: europa-list@matronics.comSubject: Europa-List: Coolant

I have been unable to solve my overheating problem:I had replaced all glyco
l coolant and all hoses. Ever since then the coolant temperatures on the gr
ound and in the climb are way ahead of the oil temperature.After warming up
 the engine the coolant is typically 25 C (45 F) hotter than the oil. The o
il and cylinder head temperatures are always normal. Only in the cruise am 
I getting normal readings. The coolant temp. probe is in the coolant and is
 accurate.I have run out of ideas. Has anyone got any clue about this myste
ry ? Cheers=2C Karl <html><div></div>


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