Last year I had the pleasure of getting a ride from John Wigney in his Mono
N262WF. He has the neatest set up of an AOA installation from
The neat thing what sets him apart from any other installations is that he,
unlike others, did not mount the display in the instrument panel face beside
other instruments. Quizzing him he had a very valid point. He says he does
not want to be distracted by looking away onto the instrument panel while
in the critical phase of landing. He mounted the display on top of the
instrument module instead. Then he arranged a 1/2 inch wide mirror mounted
on a spring loaded arm just in the filed of view. Part of his landing
procedure is that he unlatches this spring loaded arm. It pops up 45 deg
into the field of view almost like a HUD but only obstruct minimal to none
the forward view. Another point for this device versus the Europa stall
warner is that this is an analog device showing you always how much lift
reserve you have before the wing will stall. The Europa Stall warner is
warning at a specific point. For my aircraft, I like this device but still
will go with the Europa stall warner because I have it already and the price
tag of about $900 is to steep for my opinion but I love his set up.
Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of that installation. Maybe John
could post a couple if he sees this post after his return from Oshkosh.
Thanks again John for giving me a ride at Jim Butchers home field last year
before Oshkosh.
Michael Grass
N581MG Europa Trigear, Detroit
Still gluing and pasting
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fergus Kyle" <VE3LVO@rac.ca>
Sent: 2008-07-28 11:14
Subject: Europa-List: Pneumatic Installation
> I have been following the subject correspondence and must say I
> think the proponents of the Europa Stall Warner have a point. However,
> their
> sole interest appears to be finding out when they are going to stall - and
> nothing else. That is of course important and stall strips will give them
> that.
> However when you turn to the AoA system, you encounter much more.
> Having experienced an AoA approach to a carrier, I can say that there is
> no
> comparison. Yes, it gives you your approach to a stall [and much more
> timely
> and accurate warning than a stall warner does]. It also tells you when to
> accept an ideal soar figure for loss of engine, when to revert to and use
> a
> long-range attitude, how to loop with the same AoA around the circle - and
> what effect ground effect has on stall speed. AND all these automatically
> adjust for change in weight or CG - no charts needed.
> The argument about diverting attention during landing loses value
> when the warning is visual and in the vision of the lander, i.e: on the
> coaming where the landing strip is seen. Since a change of colour is all
> it
> provides, little or no conscious diversion should occur. Of course the
> ideal
> warning should be in a HUD, but that's a touch effete in a Europa.
> Naturally, a needle down on the instrument panel is useless for the stall
> problem.
> Just my $0.02.
> Ferg