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RE: Europa-List: Ducatti Rectifier/Regulator

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Ducatti Rectifier/Regulator
From: Bryan Allsop <>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 14:02:50

The e-mail from Jos makes the following comment:": There is text on the reg
ulator: Do not take the battery off line with a running engine. If you look
 at the Rotax manual=2C that is exactly what the main switch or contactor d
oes." Whilst replacing my Ducati I noticed the following instruction discre
etly cast between the cooling fins:- "WITH THE MOTOR RUNNING NEVER DETACH B
ATTERY CABLES". Until that time I was not aware of it. If I had been=2C it 
would not have appeared to be a problem. It is a problem though for aircraf
t like mine=2C where the ignition switches are independent of the master sw
itch. Retrospectively=2C I can recall that I have occasionally switched all
 power before stopping the engine=2C thus isolating the battery with the en
gine running. The current general advice seems to be that overheating is no
t a major problem. If that is the case=2C it seems more likely that Ducati 
failures in aircraft can be put down to isolating the battery with the engi
ne running.  From now on=2C my shut down procedure will be "engine before m
aster switch". Bryan  
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