Very many thanks to you, Marion and Peter for an excellent day yesterday -
your airfield was in superb condition and clearly all your efforts were well
rewarded. I am sorry that I had to get back to EGBS for an evening
appointment, otherwise I would have offered to fly some of your visitors.
Please can you tell us how you managed to arrange the right weather for the
right day - well done and thank you.
I got home to find a bridegromm strapping his bride, in her bridal dress,
into the open cockpit of his Pietenpol Aircamper to fly her to, rather than
away from, their reception. Now that was style!!!
Best wishes to you all,
From: "David Watts" <dg.watts@talktalk.net>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: North Weald Fly In
No Bob, it should be me that is sorry for our "undulations". I spend an
inordinate amount of time at the aerodrome getting it into the condition
that is, but I obviously need to consider seriously increasing my
effort. (To give you some idea though, Marion and me have been averaging
12 hours a day at the field for the last 5 days getting it all ready for
Luckily the 6 trike Europas and many more monwheels that managed to
attend our event did a sterling job of giving air experience flights to
the many visitors that we had at the field. I did 6 flights myself
during the day and I know that several did more than that. In fact it
was extremely busy at times with a queue at the hold and a good number
in the circuit.
We done and thank you to all those who came and did us proud.
The Europa Club AGM also went well but I am sure that will be reported
elsewhere in more depth.
David Watts
Laddingford Aerodrome Manager.