I have both trim controls=2C one on the stick and one on the panel with the
matronics control system. This works first used first served.
Best regards=2C
Karel vranken.
> From:> To:> Subject:
Re: Europa-List: wiring exit from stick - uk practice?> Date: Thu=2C 4 Sep>> > Rowland=2C An exit hole at the back of the stic
k just above CS01 has worked > well for me. The wire is covered by a flexib
le boot designed to stop the > pens & other things you will drop jamming th
e controls.> As to trim on the stick=2C there is the thought that if you fl
y with > other pilots and share the flying=2C then the co pilot will want a
ccess to the > trim. For me having the switch with the indicator and a CB i
n some central > position=2C reasonably close to the throttle hand=2C makes
more sense.> Regards=2C David=2C G-XSDJ> ----- Original Message ----- > Fr
om: "Rowland & Wilma Carson" <>> To: "Europa e-mail list" <e>> Sent: Wednesday=2C September 03=2C 2008 5:36 PM>
Subject: Europa-List: wiring exit from stick - uk practice?> > > > --> Eur
opa-List message posted by: Rowland & Wilma Carson > > <>> >
> > I'm looking at the bottom of the control stick as I assemble the variou
s > > parts and am wondering what is the best practice (in UK) for getting
the > > wiring from a switch or switches mounted on the top of the stick ou
t of > > the stick at or near the bottom.> >> > I had a troll through the l
ist archives for various keywords but couldn't > > find anything relevant
=2C despite having a strong remembrance of the topic > > being aired not so
long ago.> >> > I want a PTT at last on the P1 stick=2C but it would be ni
ce to have a > > duplicate trim switch there too. (Yes=2C I'm thinking abou
t shielding them > > from accidental activation.)> >> > Obviously the elect
rical cable(s) should exit in a place that minimises > > the chances of (a)
fouling up the controls and (b) getting chafed and > > causing shorts or o
pen circuits.> >> > It seems perhaps safest to make a hole in the aft side
of the stick (CS16) > > just above CS01. That way a conventional grommet ca
n easily be fitted=2C > > something that might be harder to do if the hole
was lower down and > > passing through the thickness of CS16=2C CS16B=2C an
d CS01.> >> > What have other UK builders done that has met with approval f
rom > > inspectors and (if involved) LAA Engineering?> >> > regards> >> > R
owland> > -- > > | Rowland Carson LAA #16532
iation/> > | 1100 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <
============> > >