the stall is usually more sudden with the flaps down. Not usually a
problem clean, in my experience. The thing that makes it vicious is if
the stall starts at the trailing edge so that the whole wing "unzips"
suddenly. The cure is to make the stall start at the leading edge and
this is what stall strips do. t
On three Classics that I have helped with we spent a lot of time
profiling the leading edge according to computer generated templates.
All three aircraft have relatively benign stall characteristics, they
also seem quite fast compared to others.
> Reading this forum and from talking to a couple of Europa owners/builders,
> I've
come to learn that some Classics have a really nasty wing-drop when stalling.
It's my understanding that this is mainly because when building the Classic
wings, it is near to impossible to produce port and starboard wings to be 100%
symmetrical (if there are any other reasons, I would love to hear them too of
> Any tip or trick to identify a plane with a nasty wing-drop is welcome!
> Marcel