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Re: Europa-List: emergency exits [was: Re: Jos Okhuisen]

Subject: Re: Europa-List: emergency exits [was: Re: Jos Okhuisen]
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 10:31:50

Mike Costin once told us that, many years ago, he also said that oil 
fires are very difficult to put out. (Mike used to make Cosworth racing 
engines and knows a lot about these things.

josok wrote:
> Hi All,
>  i thought i would like to share some more thoughts about the incident. From
a good source i learned that mogas or avgas, spayed, sprikled or throw  at/on
hot surfaces will not ignite. It takes a good spark to start a fire. But a drop
of oil on an exhaust pipe will burn immediatly. In this particular case the
turbo oil lines or pump were most probably smashed, and the oil started the 
later fed by fuel. 
> Jos Okhuijsen

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