Hi Pete=2C
I think 2000 would be okay. I am usually airborne at 600=2C but you need ex
tra just in case.
I recently attempted to take off with my brakes on. I did get airborne=2C b
ut it didn't feel right and I aborted okay within our 2300 foot strip.
Date: Fri=2C 19 Sep 2008 17:47:49 -0400From: peterz@zutrasoft.comTo: europa
-list@matronics.comSubject: Europa-List: Minimum practical field length
A question for all you lucky Europa fliers out there:
If one was to look for an agricultural property to set up a strip on=2C wha
t is the minimum practical and safe turf runway length (assuming 50ft obst
clearance) for an XS with 912S at factory spec'd Gross weight near sea leve
l on a standard day? 1500ft? 2000ft? longer?
Still a pile of parts