Hi Richard=2C
I may be the only one with an operational 2-bladed prop at the moment=2C th
e Woodcomp SR3000/2W.
The reasons for choosing it were exactly the same as Christoph's. I should
have my glider wings operational next year.
My blades are much longer (69 inches) and very wide at the root with a lot
of twist also. To maintain the original ground clearance=2C I modified the
nosegear (a simple mod).
During the first summer I had nothing but trouble=2C because their electro
nics did not work and the support was abysmal. I returned the controller fo
r a refund and switched to the Smart Avionics CS1.
I am now very happy with the setup. It is important that the carburettors a
re perfectly balanced=2C otherwise you get noticeable vibration. I changed
---From the Warp Drive=2C which was running smoothly=2C and couldn't understan
d at first why I had vibration.
In the first 50 hours I had two motor failures=2C one was a short and one w
as an open circuit. I now always carry a spare. I believe that David and I
are the only users who had trouble with Woodcomp.
I researched other makes=2C but could find only one that met my requirement
s for a motorglider. It was the Hoffmann=2C which is hydraulic and is twice
as heavy and 4 times as expensive. It is certified and used on many other
motorgliders and Katanas etc.
I highly recommend a two-bladed prop.
I have very mixed feelings about switching to a constant speed prop=2C thou
gh=2C for normal operations.
When you think about it=2C the only real benefit is improved takeoff perfor
mance. A ground adjustable prop would normally be set up for best cruise pe
rformance=2C and my Warp Drive worked very well for that. Then you consider
the cost=2C weight=2C complexity=2C and potential failure issues=2C and be
gin to wonder.
<html><div></div>> From: r.collings@onetel.net> To: europa-list@matr
onics.com> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Woodcomp SR 2000 for sale=2C or free t
o a good home> Date: Fri=2C 26 Sep 2008 12:38:37 +0100> > --> Europa-List m
essage posted by: "Richard Collings" <r.collings@onetel.net>> > Hi David
=2C I am not interested in buying your prop as you can see I am along > way
off across "the pond" but your email has prompted me to ask the question >
"which prop and how many blades" ? You obviously have some experience with
a > 2 bladed prop and I am sorry for your troubles but> are going to stay
with 2 blades or change to 3? I know that 3 bladed props > look sexier but
I understand they are less efficient cost more and weigh > more. I plan to
fit a variable pitch prop of some sort onto my Trigear and > see an advanta
ge in keeping the weight down as I only have 80 hp. Informed > comment on t
his topic would be appreciated. Regards all Richard Collings > [working tow
ards closing the fuselage]> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "david mil
ler" <loboloda@execulink.com>> To: <europa-list@matronics.com>> Sent: Thurs
day=2C September 18=2C 2008 4:55 PM> Subject: Europa-List: Woodcomp SR 2000
for sale=2C or free to a good home> > > > --> Europa-List message posted b
y: david miller <loboloda@execulink.com>> >> > All=2C> >> > I've given up o
n ever getting my problems with this prop sorted by> > Woodcomp.> > They st
arted when the motor came loose=2C the replacement motor> > supplied by the
factory and> > installed by the Canadian rep now groans and complains=2C b
efore> > popping the circuit breaker.> > Prop is off my 912S tri-gear and h
as not suffered any impact damage=2C> > it has less than 50 hours on it.> >
> > It may be of use to someone who would like to have spare blades etc> >
on hand=2C or who is in a position to> > take it back to Woodcomp for a com
plete overhaul.> >> > Rather than leave it on the hangar wall as an ongoing
reminder of a> > most unsatisfactory purchase=2C> > it is for sale=2C any
offer over $1 will be considered !> >> > Dave=2C C-FBZI> >> >> >> >> > > --
> > >