Dear Bob B
I visited today my hangar (with my 7-years old daughter w *first* holes in her
and checked commercial datas from my towbar:
Bogert Aviation
3606 Swallow Ave,
PASCO WA 99301
(800) 627 8088
USA (what a wonder)
I share this to the list also because I have got so many other inquiries.
Cheers, Raimo
>> Raimo,
>> Actually, no I had not. But I have now!
>> Is it a commercial unit or of your design and manufacture?
>> If commercial, what source?
>> If your design, may I copy it?
>> Thanks,
>> Bob
>> On Thursday, September 25, 2008, at 03:46PM, "Raimo Toivio"
>> <
>> > wrote:
>>> Bob,
>>> did you notice my attached pic "towbar" in my earlier message.
>>> I have been happy with it.
>>> Wishes, Raimo
>>> 37500 Lempaala, FINLAND
>>> tel +358 3 3753 777
>>> fax +358 3 3753 100
>>> gsm +358 40 590 1450