Hi Folks,
Could I offer a contrary view? I got to 600 hours on my 914 with no
sign off issues wih the carbs, but on the adivce of many I sent my
carbs into Lockwood to have them overhauled. What a mistake, the
airplane now uses .3 to .4 more gallons per hour than before and it
took me 4 tries to get the inlet system sealed up again so I could get
maximum boost.
Actually it still is not right, I can only get 27 inches and 16k feet
and I should be able to get 34" so the darn thong is still leaking.
With that said, it may well be your carbs, but the first place I would
go is fuel filters, then look at the fuel pressure (needs to be
measured differentially), then onto the turbo waste gate. What you
will need to do is disconnect the cable and move it by hand to check
for "stickyness".
After all of the above, yep, I'd mess with the carbs.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Regards, Paul