I made drip 'pans'=2C I prefer to call them heat shields out of the origina
l firewall material=2C and attached them to the upper bolt of the exhaust p
ipe. My idea was to shield the carbs from the intense heat below=2C to stop
the fuel from boiling when taxiing. It is a very simple mod and solved the
boiling problem.
I also have the carb heater=2C but rarely switch it to ON.
> From:> To:> Subject: Euro
pa-List: Carburator Heat and Drip Pans> Date: Wed=2C 29 Oct 2008 22:52:35 -
0400> > Hi Europa Dudes and Dudettes=2C> > At Sun N Fun I bought a set of d
rip pans for the carbs. They're the round> shaped ones that many of the Rot
ax parts sellers have. Then I decided to> take the plunge recently and inst
all the Skydrive carb heaters. And=2C as I> kind of knew=2C they don't play
well together. Has anyone had this combo? If> so=2C did you cut the drip p
ans and add some material to make them fit> together or make new ones from
scratch. It would=2C IMHO=2C take some fancy> aluminum welding to add 3/4"
or so. So I'm open to suggestions. Too late to> send the carb heaters back
=2C but at the same time I need drip pans. Cut and> find an aluminum welder
or make from scratch. Oh=2C one more question:> Wouldn't stainless make be
tter drip pans and heat shields anyway?> > > Troy Maynor> N120EU Europa Mon
owheel Classic> Left to finish:> Seats=2C engine install underway=2C some w
iring.> Weaverville=2C NC USA>